some time ago that I wrote a paper on Perfect Girl ! Catch for both the bottom ;-)) - it is the Perfect Girl Perfect in every circumstance, it irritates us Perfect but at the same time because we admire is Perfect ..
Perfect Girl And in winter it all:
* When thou hast the red nose in all circumstances because yes it's cold outside and your nose that you do not understand why but he flushed the evil (what he impresses the small one? but oh no!) The Perfect Girl, she does not rubs clowns like you, the lucky!
* The skating ? Easy enough for the Perfect Girl that offers us a real show - and she slips into bed together .. and if his phone rings, she manages to win by sinking his book under his arm - but she continues to skate ! Oh yes it is unfair because the life you simply put the shoes and having to brave the ice makes you crazy.
Perfect Girl And then it never slips when it snows, his hair is not electric because of his cap, his lips are not chapped always perfect, the perfect girl ...
Sacred Perfect Girl! You know a Perfect Girl? (Or maybe you are the Perfect Girl!)