Monday, June 28, 2010

Painting Plastic Plates

A glove and teeth

There are two things infinite: the universe and human stupidity.
And as regards the universe, I'm not quite sure.
Albert Einstein

The world is crazy. I knew but I check it every day.
A glove that belonged to Michael Jackson was auctioned at 192,500 euros.
I note that my father had carefully preserved my first three teeth.

So I put them on Ebay. The betting starts at 300 euros per tooth. Do not hesitate.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Old Blood Cycle Day 9

The self-mockery to the French is she?

shit then what will make me wake up before 7 am 55 now? (Ah yes, I forgot the chronicle of Paul Hermant to 7 pm 18 and then close the Café Thomas Gunzig at 8 am on 30 RTBF). Stephane Guillon
and Didier Porte leave France Inter. .
Decidedly sketch comedians who are more stubborn in their newspapers (look Plantu in the world and Kroll in the evening).
The design says as much if not more than the word, though.
Well, it's still a part of our freedoms that goes ...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why Do It Feel Like Im Peeing Alot


Nothing doing, I continue to work in school time. I say "the holidays are coming" while I am on holiday since ... July 1, 1996. The only ones I do "meaning" no, it is the holiday of Shrove Tuesday and Easter. I do not know why they fall on me every time without warning. I hardly noticed the time they are there they are already at an end. This may be due to the mobility of the Easter holiday.
I read the previous lines. We must believe that I did not have much to say to give birth to such trivialities!

Monday, June 21, 2010

How To Get Rid Of Whiteness From Waxing

That damn football

I do not know what African people are passionate about football, but has brought the rule of the game a slight modification: when a player from Team A scores a goal against Team B, it will soon play in the Team B in exchange of a member thereof. The interest of the spectacle is so extended.
(Albert Jacquard. Primer ambiguity.
Paris, Seuil, 1989, p. 41)

So we have to still undergo the dictatorship of football for a month. More way to open his radio or his TV without being assailed by green lawns, trumpets, masked supporters, etc..
Few remarks or analysis in the press about the real situation of the host country, on the terms of street vendors around stadiums, forced to move on the cities of plates created a rush to cover up the slums. Everything in the seem and showy. Of suites (no rooms, see ...) to 500 euros a night for members of the France team. And all this against a majority of the population survives with two euros a day when everything goes well.
Billions spent to construct the stadiums and roads leading to it. From all this, there will certainly stadiums and roads but will they be maintained? The high mass
warming is underway. It has already caused at least one drama: the great-grand-daughter of Nelson Mandela (13 years) died in a car accident at the end of one of those games where the excitement is at its peak.
Upstream, multinationals have already landed South Africa on the lookout for potential benefits.
And in my neighborhood, crowds clustered around the entire flat panel cafes, cans and waste even more than usual on the square. Kids and kids who watch less than twenty disguised millionaires fighting over a ball and dream is to do the same, either to earn the same wages. Flags hanging in windows or harnessing cars. Nationalism at all costs.
Well, like Voltaire, I will cultivate my garden ...

Friday, June 18, 2010

Airsoft Golden Desert Eagles For Sale

Even the post office ...

Always this way to change name ...
Even the post office is getting. Now do not say "post" but "bpost.
I say damn. I will continue to go to the post as at the Cinematheque (Cinematek) and the Palace of Fine Arts (Bozar).

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Impetigo Cold Sores Difference

blacklist, black as oil

We are told, rightly, the disaster of the Gulf of Mexico but the damage caused by oil are not new. Discerned by this black list, probably incomplete:

1967 United Kingdom - Torrey Canyon - 119,000 tons
1971 North Sea - Texaco Denmark - 106,300 tons
1972 Gulf of Oman - Sea Star - 115 000 tonnes
1975 Spain - Urquiola - 101 000 tonnes
France 1978 - Amoco Cadiz - 227,000 tons
1979 Trinidad and Tobago - Atlantic Empress - 287,000 tons
1980 Gulf of Mexico - Platform Ixtoc 1 to 500,000 tonnes
1980 Greece - Irene Serenade - 100,000 tons
1980 Libya - Oil Well D-103 to 142,800 tons
1981 Gulf Persian - Oil Platform 3 - 250,000 tons
1981 Kuwait - Storage tanks - 106,000 tons
1983 South Africa - Castillo de Bellver - 252,000 tonnes
1985 Iran - The Bong - 200,000 tons
1985 Iran - Vatan M. - 100,000 tonnes
1987 Iran - Fortuneship - 260,000 tons
1988 Canada - Odyssey - 132.000 tons
1988 Iran - Barcelona - 140,000 tons
1991 Kuwait - Mina al Ahmadi - 700,000 tons
Angola 1991 - ABT Summer - 260,000 tons
1991 Italy - Haven - 145,500 tons
1992 Uzbekistan - Oil Well - 299.000 tons
Oussinsk 1994, Russia - Kharyaga pipeline - 104,400 tons

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reinforcing Swing Sets

I voted

never voted with feet as big lead.
Small (?) Story that has nothing to do with our community cares, denounced by the REMINDER:
" At Fosse-la-Ville commune of Sart-Saint-Laurent, office No. 10 was installed in the parish hall, which was decorated with a crucifix. The presence of the latter rightly upset many voters. One of them demanded the withdrawal to the President, but she refused, saying it was too small ...
In Brussels, several assessors were women wearing the veil in Molenbeek, rue van Kalck ( Office 37) in Laeken, Avenue of the Pagodas, 141 (Office 88), Saint-Josse, Saint-François (room 3), Brussels, 30 Rue des Riches-Claires (room 22), 18 rue Felix Sterckx ( Office 55) and in Schaerbeek, 103 Avenue of Roodebeek (room 68).
One of them, Office 88 to Laeken, also wore a long coat that showed only the oval of her face. Several voters have asked to speak to the president office, which replied that the assessor performed his civic duty and the need to show them respect.
The presence of religious symbols in a polling clearly contributes to "confessional" a space that is devoted to political matters, should be protected from any interference of religion.
courts, governments, schools and official polling places are symbolic in which it is imperative that no religious symbol could give the impression that the trial, suffrage, the user service or training is done under the eyes of God. The presence of a crucifix, a serious breach of this principle.
As the veil by an assessor, in addition to being a religious message inside a chamber devoted to politics, it can also be legitimately interpreted in a context where the question of the veil divides the world politics, as a sign of support to one or the other contending party or a political system.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Does Grecian Formula Work On Beards

Climbing to "Roc Stock" The site of Lucie Berger

CE1B The CPB and did a climbing course on 25, 27 and 28 May 2010.