blacklist, black as oil We are told, rightly, the disaster of the Gulf of Mexico but the damage caused by oil are not new. Discerned by this black list, probably incomplete:
1967 United Kingdom - Torrey Canyon - 119,000 tons
1971 North Sea - Texaco Denmark - 106,300 tons
1972 Gulf of Oman - Sea Star - 115 000 tonnes
1975 Spain - Urquiola - 101 000 tonnes
France 1978 - Amoco Cadiz - 227,000 tons
1979 Trinidad and Tobago - Atlantic Empress - 287,000 tons
1980 Gulf of Mexico - Platform Ixtoc 1 to 500,000 tonnes
1980 Greece - Irene Serenade - 100,000 tons
1980 Libya - Oil Well D-103 to 142,800 tons
1981 Gulf Persian - Oil Platform 3 - 250,000 tons
1981 Kuwait - Storage tanks - 106,000 tons
1983 South Africa - Castillo de Bellver - 252,000 tonnes
1985 Iran - The Bong - 200,000 tons
1985 Iran - Vatan M. - 100,000 tonnes
1987 Iran - Fortuneship - 260,000 tons
1988 Canada - Odyssey - 132.000 tons
1988 Iran - Barcelona - 140,000 tons
1991 Kuwait - Mina al Ahmadi - 700,000 tons
Angola 1991 - ABT Summer - 260,000 tons
1991 Italy - Haven - 145,500 tons
1992 Uzbekistan - Oil Well - 299.000 tons
Oussinsk 1994, Russia - Kharyaga pipeline - 104,400 tons