Thursday, June 17, 2010

Impetigo Cold Sores Difference

blacklist, black as oil

We are told, rightly, the disaster of the Gulf of Mexico but the damage caused by oil are not new. Discerned by this black list, probably incomplete:

1967 United Kingdom - Torrey Canyon - 119,000 tons
1971 North Sea - Texaco Denmark - 106,300 tons
1972 Gulf of Oman - Sea Star - 115 000 tonnes
1975 Spain - Urquiola - 101 000 tonnes
France 1978 - Amoco Cadiz - 227,000 tons
1979 Trinidad and Tobago - Atlantic Empress - 287,000 tons
1980 Gulf of Mexico - Platform Ixtoc 1 to 500,000 tonnes
1980 Greece - Irene Serenade - 100,000 tons
1980 Libya - Oil Well D-103 to 142,800 tons
1981 Gulf Persian - Oil Platform 3 - 250,000 tons
1981 Kuwait - Storage tanks - 106,000 tons
1983 South Africa - Castillo de Bellver - 252,000 tonnes
1985 Iran - The Bong - 200,000 tons
1985 Iran - Vatan M. - 100,000 tonnes
1987 Iran - Fortuneship - 260,000 tons
1988 Canada - Odyssey - 132.000 tons
1988 Iran - Barcelona - 140,000 tons
1991 Kuwait - Mina al Ahmadi - 700,000 tons
Angola 1991 - ABT Summer - 260,000 tons
1991 Italy - Haven - 145,500 tons
1992 Uzbekistan - Oil Well - 299.000 tons
Oussinsk 1994, Russia - Kharyaga pipeline - 104,400 tons


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