Friday, February 27, 2009

Time Off Work Pneumonia

FFME 67.

On 17 February 2009, the Federal Committee of the Federation of French Mountaineering and Climbing met for the second time.
Indeed, the first meeting was invalidated at the request of the representative of Club Baloo, for "procedural", "flaw"??
He was criticized earlier Committee (who lived only 15 days!) To have people elected not to update their subscription license, not having parity respected man woman, contain within it a professional climbing, a club employee David Tass. So many mistakes
gravisimes, earning at least the death penalty, and which sounded the death knell of a Committee born in pain and that only contained 7 members that is to say the least. new President Nicolas Magaud

On 27 February 2009 re-Belote, an election whose results are:

Member of New Committee FFME 67: Maryse

Demissy, Armand and Eliane Baudry Bodin to the Club French Alpine. Weta
Pierre, Nicolas Magaud and Basile Sauvage for ASCPA
Ghislain Brillet for Roc Stock
Mickaƫl Stockel, Christmas Schlichting and Peggy Killian for Roc Extrem.

The Committee will not hesitate David Tass skills making him a "guest member" of the Committee.

the office include: Nicolas Magaud

Peggy Killian, Mary Demissy

Congratulations and thank you to them.

Note, no representative of Ballo club, which was yet left of the previous Committee that he requested the dissolution ...

New President Nicolas Magaud


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